Reading Exercises

I made a large print version of 1 John 1:5-6. I  underlined the dipthongs ( 2 letters that make one sound) because it is at first hard to see diphthongs. 

We are taking turns reading the passage at the meal table. We have been slowing sounding out the word, a letter or diphthong at a time. We have a go at making the syllables and then the word. When we learn to read English we have the advantage of recognising the word because it is already in our spoken vocabulary not so in Greek. But by listening to the recording on the Mounce CD Rom, the words are becoming more familiar. Ds 10 years will stagger through the sounding out of the longer words and then  he recognises the word from listening to the CD and then is able to say it fluently.

We are almost ready to move on the the next few verses in the reading exercise. It is getting easier 🙂

I am letting the pace be set by my youngest student ds10. Ds12, Dd 13 and Ds14 are also learning as well as their mother!

I found this today!

The beginning of a resource for kids learning Koine Greek using Mounce !!! Wow!  Dr. Bill Mounce himself is writing the website with Ed Taylor. Looks like I have been reinventing the wheel.


However at the end of first lesson I found this invitation

“At the end of every lesson we will have a page like this one. If you have created a user account, you will be able to leave your ideas, add to the comments of others, etc. If you are familiar with the concept, this is a “Wiki” page (much like Wikipedia uses). Please share your insights with others. This is a great way to build a community around our mission. Thanks. And please include your name at the end of the idea.”

I am excited about an online community. Perhaps something I am doing will be helpful to others 🙂 I am excited about many home education families encouraging each other to learn Koine Greek. 

At the moment I am having trouble logging into the Kids’ Greek site

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